Wordsmith liked an act of kindness
kevgetz3 4 years ago more
Provo Utah

I found candy and a nice note on my chair in the library

Wordsmith liked an act of kindness
adelay 4 years ago more
Provo Utah

Little candy & a quote saying "Keep Calm and Worship On," that I found in the bathroom. It definitely made my Wednesday better as it is the worst and longest day of the week. I'm so grateful for the sweet reminder and I can't wait to continue the chain of kindness!

Wordsmith's had their kindness reported
adelay 4 years ago more
Provo Utah

Little candy & a quote saying "Keep Calm and Worship On," that I found in the bathroom. It definitely made my Wednesday better as it is the worst and longest day of the week. I'm so grateful for the sweet reminder and I can't wait to continue the chain of kindness!

Wordsmith's had their kindness reported
kevgetz3 4 years ago more
Provo Utah

I found candy and a nice note on my chair in the library

Wordsmith's had their kindness reported
Provo Utah

They left me a sweet card that has a really uplifting quote on it. It helped lift the burdens that were weighing me down, and gave me a greater desire to do something nice for someone else in return.

Wordsmith's had their kindness reported
Provo Utah

Uplifting quote on the wall.

Wordsmith's had their kindness reported
Harold B. Lee Library, Provo Utah

Laminated card about prayer. Reminded me that I need to go to Him more often.

Wordsmith's had their kindness reported
Brigham Young University, Provo Utah

I went to go get a drink from the water fountain on the fourth floor of the Harold B Lee Library on campus at BYU. On top of the water founatin was a laminated card with a blue sticky note that said, "For you! Remember, you're awesome and you'll rock those finals! :)" The laminated card it was attached to had a quote that said: "Fear and faith cannot coexist in our hearts at the same time. -Neil L. Andersen." It was awesome! Definitely made me smile. This is the second random act of kindness that has happened to me in the last week and it really does make a difference. It reminds you that people are aware and concious of you and finals aren't going to kill you.

Wordsmith's had their kindness reported
Harold B. Lee Library, Provo Utah

I have a paper due soon that has added a significant amount of stress to my life. When I saw a magnet with the perfect quote about stress, I felt really loved. It felt like a gift from God, telling me to keep moving forward.

Wordsmith's had their kindness reported
Djnev 6 years ago more
Provo Utah

I randomly found a chocolate egg with a note- it honestly made my day :) It has made me feel lonely being away from home and for some reason finding a random chocolate bar was a magical reminder I am not alone.

Wordsmith's had their kindness reported
Brigham Young University, Provo Utah

Candy :)

Wordsmith's had their kindness reported
edpears1 7 years ago more
Utah Valley Hospital, Provo Utah

A sweet lady came in and gave us donuts

Wordsmith's had their kindness reported
Provo Utah

I found an Easter egg in the Harold B. Lee library with some chocolate in it. I hadn't had breakfast so it held me over haha. Thank you!

Wordsmith's had their kindness reported
Harold B. Lee Library, Provo Utah

Found a random Easter Egg and on a hunch picked it up. I was afraid I was interfering with some children's egg hunt, but a note inside confirmed that it was for me (or for whoever happened to pick it up). I love candy, and I love whoever put it there. :)

Wordsmith liked an act of kindness
Storm 7 years ago more
Midvale Utah

A co-worker came around and offered everyone a doughnut. A simple act, but after the chaotic morning I had at getting to work, this small act of kindness, brought a much needed smile to my face, and enjoyment to my taste buds. Thank you, Chase!