Discover Kindness

delete 7 years ago more
Salt Lake City Utah

Free beer is always appreciated!

xyloguy 7 years ago more
Royal Thai Cuisine, Washington Utah

Met up with Eli and Dan for dinner. It has been a couple years since we hung out last. Eli paid for everyone (my wife and I, Dan ate earlier). It was really nice of him to do it and I appreciated the gesture quite a bit. I will definitely be passing it on!

West Jordan Utah

I asked a friend to help with our new business by hanging up flyers in their neighborhood. I offered to pay, but she did it for free as an act of kindness instead. I couldn't be happier to spread my kindness.

UncleEli 7 years ago more
Talavera at the Junction Apartments, Midvale Utah

Ding Dong!! I answer the door to roses!!!!! This is so nice of people:) I can't believe this. I put them on the counter and now I have something to brighten my home.

Highland Farms, Mississauga Ontario

Bought Pasta & Pasta Sauce from a Local Business to Donate to the Food Bank!????❤️????

Brigham Young University, Provo Utah

I went to go get a drink from the water fountain on the fourth floor of the Harold B Lee Library on campus at BYU. On top of the water founatin was a laminated card with a blue sticky note that said, "For you! Remember, you're awesome and you'll rock those finals! :)" The laminated card it was attached to had a quote that said: "Fear and faith cannot coexist in our hearts at the same time. -Neil L. Andersen." It was awesome! Definitely made me smile. This is the second random act of kindness that has happened to me in the last week and it really does make a difference. It reminds you that people are aware and concious of you and finals aren't going to kill you.

4h4u 6 years ago more
Kamiah Idaho

We talked about being the change we want to see in the world, and we acted on it!

Woods Cross Utah

I got a blue sucker and it was delicious and it was very generous of my sister.????

7259 Bingham Jct Blvd, Midvale Utah

I provide gum at my desk for my fellow coworkers. This is purely a selfish act, to make sure the people I talk to have fresh breath. The cost is minimal. Some kind soul place a fair amount of money on my desk to offset the gum cost.

West Jordan Elementary, West Jordan Utah

I got some super awesome gift cards, and it made me feel very cared for!